Our Approach
In order to get a complete vision, information system should be addressed globally. Indeed, even if it is based on applications, it is not possible to recap it only to them.
The component parts for an IT environment are :
The aim of this should be to procure relevant information to a user when he needs it. Therefore, the information has to be correct and directly exploitable. More generally, an information system should permit : o Information centralisation, o Process standardization, o Work focus on analysis and control, o In / out operations control, o Information consolidation, o To assure the information availability, o To secure data. Lastly : its efficiency and its evolution are based on computing policies and strategies.
Information system conception by IDM Systems is built along 3 axes :
Company data represent its history, its knowledge database, a part of its knowhow and allows it to work. This is why this « storage » topic is crucial. This is also why we consider very important backups and availability systems.